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Men Talk 2, is a free CBT and Wellbeing Group for males over 16. It is currently offered in 4 venues within the Coatbridge area (see below for fliers for each venue). Each venue has a session every 4 weeks and the group is now facilitated and managed by Tommy, Paul and Victoria who are all qualified CBT therapists. 

It is run in partnership with Glenboig Development Trust.

Please get in touch with them at for further details, or follow our Men Talk 2 page on Facebook 

Contact us for more information at:

• No expectation or pressure to share personal information. We totally understand that it can be nerve wracking to join a group and will do all we can to make it easier. Its likely others feel similar initially, but we have found people have felt at ease quickly in our group so far with everyone being really welcoming, respectful and supportive to each other.

• Confidentiality is discussed at the beginning of every session. 

• Come along and benefit from being in a supportive group. Learn how to use CBT to make positive and lasting changes to your life.

"The calm, no pressure atmosphere, listening to people from different walks of life relay their own experiences and troubles" (Group member)

"Hearing that other men have had feelings and experiences which I have also had makes me feel less alone, so the group has been positive for me" (Group member)

"It’s good to be able to relate to others. It helps with the feeling of isolation" (Group member)

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